Ice Harbor Dam Memos of Coordination (MOCs) and Memos For the Record (MFRs)

2024 MOCs and MFRs

24 IHR 01 MFR - North shore AWS pump outage for maintenance

2023 MOCs and MFRs

23 IHR 11 MOC Navlock Tainter Gate Replacement
23 IHR 10 MFR - Only one north shore AWS pump in operation
23 IHR 09 MOC - Unit 3 exciter testing
23 IHR 08 MFR - Spillbay 3 temporarily out of service
23 IHR 07 MOC Unit 3 Biological Testing
23 IHR 06 MFR - Spillway OPutage to Repair Fishway Debris Boom
23 IHR 05 MFR - Spillbay 6 Out of Service
23 IHR 04 MOC - Unit 3 commissioning
23 IHR 03 MOC 115 kV line 1 and line 2 outage
23IHR02 MOC North fish ladder power outage for LSP-1 testing
23IHR01 MFR - Delay in Returning North Fish Ladder to full operation

2022 MOCs and MFRs

22 IHR 08 MFR - Fish mortality found near juvenile fish collection channel
22 IHR 07 MOC Fish Release Pipe Outages and Unit 3 Turbine Testing
22 IHR 06 MFR Date Change Condition Monitoring
22 IHR 05 MOC Diffuser #10 intake trash rack cleaning
22 IHR 04 MFR 115 kv line and turbine unit outages
22 IHR 03 MFR South shore AWS pump outage
22 IHR 02 - no documents currently available
22 IHR 01 MFR Juvenile steelhead mortality during unwatering of lower south fish ladder

2021 MOCs and MFRs

21 IHR 15 MOC Unit 2 special generator testing
21 IHR 14 MFR - Fish mortality found near juvenile fish channel
21 IHR 13 MOC Installation of swallow nesting deterrent at south fish ladder
21 IHR 12 MOC Unit 1 pulldown testing
21 IHR 11 MOC - JBS Early Shutdown for Maintenance
21 IHR 10 MFR - Fish mortality found near south fish count station
21 IHR 09 MFR - South shore AWS pump outage
21 IHR 08 MFR - Unit 5 Pre-Maintenance Testing
21 IHR 07 MOC Floating guidewall maintenance
21 IHR 06 - MOC North fish ladder exit trash rack
21 IHR 05 MFR - Unit Trash Rake Problems

21 IHR 03 MFR - Line 1 Forced Outage
21 IHR 02 MFR - Unit 5 reactive limit testing

2020 MOCs and MFRs
20 IHR 08 Floating Guidewall Cable Replacement
20 IHR 07 MFR - Malfunction of north fish ladder entrance weir and juvenile fish channel water regulating weirs
20 IHR 06 MFR - Gatewell 3B temporary orifice closure
20 IHR 05 MFR - North shore AWS pumps turned off to clear debris
20 IHR 04 MOC - JBS Early Shutdown for Maintenance
20 IHR 03 MFR - Unit 5 model validation testing
20 IHR 02 MFR - Delay in Returning North Fish Ladder to Service
20 IHR 01 MFR - Fish mortality during unwatering of upper south fish ladder

2019 MOCs and MFRs
19 IHR 21 MOC Guidewall Anchor Cables
19 IHR 20 Unit 4 blade locking to reduce oil discharge
19 IHR 20 additional document ICH U6 Abbrev Index Test Report
19 IHR 19 MOC - North AWS pump outage for ROV inspection of NEW-1
19 IHR 18 MFR - South fish ladder picketed lead debris problem
19 IHR 17 MFR - Spillbay 4 temporarily out of service
19 IHR 16 MFR - Fish mortality found below east end of south fish ladder
19 IHR 15 MFR - North shore fish ladder entrance malfunction
19 IHR 14 MFR - Fish mortality found at north fish ladder
19 IHR 13 MOC Release Pipe Install for Unit 2 Testing
19 IHR 12 MFR - Incorrect Spill Pattern During 30% spill
19 IHR 10 MOC I-Beam for Lamprey Entrace Evaluation
19 IHR 09 MFR - North shore AWS pump outage
19 IHR 08 MFR - Spill pattern change to minimize operation of spillbay #5 gearbox
19 IHR 08 Spill Patterns IHR 7-8 - Modified for Bay 5 OOS
19 IHR 07 MFR - Spill gate #4 gear box failure
19 IHR 06 MFR - South fish ladder upper diffuser valve repair
19 IHR 05 MFR JBS Outfall Sprinkler Out of Service
19 IHR 04 MOC Unit 2 Comissioning Update
19 IHR 03 MFR Delay in Raising of north shore picketed leads
19 IHR 02 North AWS pump outage for Feeder Line Testing
19 IHR 01 MFR Dewatering S. Fishway

2018 MOCs and MFRs
18 IHR 07 MFR - North shore AWS pump outage
18 IHR 05 MOC Inspection of north fish ladder upper diffuser intake
18 IHR 04 MOC-Fish Release Pipe Install and Unit 2 Turbine Testing
18 IHR 03 MOC Adult Fish Trap Testing and Operation updated
18 IHR 02 MOC - Avian Hazing Start Date
18 IHR 01 MFR - Fish mortality during unwatering of upper south fish ladder

2017 MOCs and MFRs
17 IHR 13 MFR - Lamprey mortality at south shore fish count station
17 IHR 12 MOC Turbine 1 2 outage Update
17 IHR 11 MOC Ice Harbor Trolley and Fish Pipe Installation 7-25-17
17 IHR 10 MFR - Fish mortalities from plugged orifices
17 IHR 09 MFR - Emergency debris spill
17 IHR 08 MFR - Emergency debris spill
17 IHR 07 MFR - South shore AWS pump outage
17 IHR 06 MFR Emergency Debris Spill 15May2017
17 IHR 05 MOC - Powerhouse Ventilator
17 IHR 04 MFR - Smolt mortality found on north fish ladder entrance deck
17 IHR 03 Ice Harbor Trolley and Fish Pipe Installs - withdrawn
17 IHR 02 MFR Updated Powerhouse Flooding at High Tailwater
17 IHR 01 MFR - Juvenile steelhead mortality during upper South fish ladder unwatering

2016 MOCs and MFRs
16 IHR 010 MFR - Fish mortality found at juvenile fish collection channel
16 IHR 009 updated 9-28-16 MFR - Fish mortality at south shore fish ladder picketed leads
16 IHR 008 Unit 5 blade welding to reduce oil discharge
16IHR07 MFR south fish ladder mort
16 IHR 006 Spill gate 2 closure
16IHR05 MFR fish mort on north fish ladder entrance deck

2015 MOCs and MFRs
15IHR13 MFR Low flow spill implementation
15IHR09 MFR south fish ladder and juvenile collection channel morts
15 IHR 08 MFR - Fish mortalities at navigation lock
15 IHR 007 - spill gate 8 breaker problem
15IHR004 MU Digital Governor upgrades

2014 MOCs and MFRs
14IHR08 MFR mort in juvenile FCC
14IHR07 MFR mortalities at fish ladders
14IHR06 MFR Fish Mortality in U2 scroll case

14IHR04 MFR spill gate 9 OOS

14IHR02 MFR mort at picket leads
14IHR001 change in ladder outage schedule

2013 MOCs and MFRs
13IHR18 MFR adult mortality
13IHR16 MFR fish mortality near Juvenile Fish Collection Channel
13IHR14 MFR fish mortality near south ladder
13IHR10 MFR fish mortality near north ladder
13IHR09 MFR Adult fish trap mortality
13IHR07 Line#2 Trip
13IHR05 Unit 6 priority
13IHR04 Unit 2 RTS testing
13IHR03 Doble testing dates
13IHR02 Adult Trap Water Up Delay

2012 MOCs and MFRs
12IHR12 JSATS tailrace tracking voluntary spill
12IHR11 TW-6 Testing
12IHR10 South Fish Ladder mort
12IHR09 South Fish Ladder mort
12IHR08 South Fish Ladder mort
12IHR07 JSATS Hydrophone Installation
12IHR06 SQ-2 Switchgear Replacement
12IHR05 Coffer Cell Repair
12IHR03 North Powerhouse Entrances 1 and 2
12IHR02 Emergency Navigation Repairs
12IHR01 forebay mort

2011 MOCs and MFRs
111206 IHR U3 STS
111004 IHR U3 Emergency Repairs